Jay Shetty - Bob Parsons

Darshan Mudbasal
April 4, 2023

1) Bob Parsons,founder of GoDaddy and Marine veteran, shares his journey from working as a laborer in a steel mill to starting his first business, Parsons technology, which he sold for $64 million. He taught himself various programming languages and wrote all the code for the business himself. He also reveals that he has are markable ability to disassociate and not worry about anything, which has helped him in both his personal life and business. When asked how he knew what to build, he responded that he simply followed his passions, highlighting the importance of choosing a path that aligns with one's interests and values.

2) Bob shares how he learned to succeed in business by starting with a small book keeping venture as a youngster, and later taking tips from figures in history such as General McClellan and John D. Rockefeller, among others. Parsons emphasizes the importance of pursuing work that you love, doing things for a higher purpose beyond money, and energizing employees by structuring your business to inspire them to believe it is special.

Bob Parsons in podcast with Jay Shetty

3) Bob discusses the importance of having a higher purpose to create enthusiasm among employees, customers, and the community. He talks about the early days of GoDaddy and how they started out by trying different things before realizing the potential of websites and domain names. Parsons also mentions his rule of having the right business that can make money while sleeping, and how he shut down GoDaddy for a while during the dot-com boom. He explains how he paid bills and employees, and sold the assets he acquired to keep the business going.

4) Bob shared that after being treated with psychedelics, he finally felt like he had come home 49 years since the war. He confirmed that he is still debilitated by the memories of the war, but he is not debilitated by it anymore after taking psychedelics. He also discussed his efforts to get psychedelics made legal for therapeutic use, citing that many veterans come home with PTSD and that every veteran should be treated with it when they come back. According to Parsons, one of the mindsets people need to carry with them is to believe in themselves.

Bob Parsons

5) Bobdiscusses how self-doubt is a major challenge faced by many people today and often arises because people were not encouraged and were discouraged once theywere raised. To overcome it, he recommends therapy with psychedelics that, when available, can free people from several mental and emotional shackles. Healso suggests an SGB block, a legal and non-invasive procedure that helps reset the amygdala, which is responsible for fight or flight responses, emotions, andanxiety in the brain, and can help people heal from PTSD, anxiety or self-doubt, and live happy and productive lives. The ultrasound is entirely safe and takes about five minutes, but its effects may only last for six months up to two years.

Bob Parsons

6) When asked about the best advice Bob has ever received, Parsons answered "do what you love," and when asked about something he used to value but doesn't anymore, he mentioned money.He revealed that he is currently trying to learn about how to get psychedelics legal in a medical capacity, and his answer for what law he would create if he could make one for everyone in the world to follow was to "love your neighbor."

Darshan Mudbasal

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