Jay Shetty - Ed Mylett

Darshan Mudbasal
April 10, 2023

1) Ed Mylett and Jay Shetty discuss the idea that many people believe they are far away from achieving their goals, but in reality, they are just one decision, meeting, conversation or tactic away from changing their lives. They talk about how the perception of distance can create patterns and behaviors that hold people back from achieving their dreams. Shetty shares his experience of recovering from surgery, and how he was missing out on all of the little improvements he was making each day because he was so focused on how far he still had to go. Mylett emphasizes the importance of love in driving people to achieve their dreams and becoming the best version of themselves.

2) Ed talks about his father's struggle with alcoholism and how it taught him the power of "one more day at a time." He stresses that anyone can change and that sometimes the hardest things in life are what qualify us to help others in similar situations. Using the example of someone who was once a drug addict and alcoholic helping his father, he explains how pain can turn into purpose. Mylett also addresses the issue of failure and the importance of separating oneself from the outcome and instead operating out of imagination and vision rather than history and memory.

3) Listening to people around us and questioning whether they are consistently talking about past events or the future will help us identify whether they are serving us in a constructive manner. He highlights that nostalgia can also make us believe that the past was better than it actually was. It's important to create a new and vibrant vision prospect for the future.

Ed Mylett in podcast with Jay Shetty

4) Ed discusses the importance of living in the present and cherishing each moment as if it were the last. He talks about the regret of not being able to hug his daughter Bella one more time and how it reminded him to take advantage of every moment. Mylett also emphasizes the importance of setting emotional standards rather than solely focusing on material goals. He shares that his current "one more" is working on finding peace in his life and how it's helped him stay fully present and productive.

5) Ed shares a personal story of his business failing and being at his lowest point to emphasize the importance of never quitting. He recalls how he called his dad, who advised him to not quit for just one more day. Mylett found that the one more day turned into many more, and he ultimately gained the self-confidence to keep pushing forward. He believes that self-confidence is crucial in achieving one's goals, but it doesn't always come naturally. He encourages people to raise their standards and keep the promises they make to themselves and do one more thing every day, whether it's a call, meeting, or book.

6) Ed and Jay discuss how discomfort creates self-respect, and how pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone builds self-esteem and confidence. However, they also caution that it's important to make sure the discomfort is in alignment with your goals and purpose, rather than leading you off course. They suggest checking in with yourself regularly and asking what matters to you now, to make sure you're pursuing what truly fills you and not playing by an outdated playbook. Ed emphasizes the importance of contribution over recognition, and how he's in a season of giving back, checking in regularly so he doesn't lose himself or his family in the pursuit of business success.

Ed Mylett

7) Ed and Jay discuss the idea of living in the current season of your life and how it's important to accept it for what it is.They also remind viewers that every person is born to do something great and that greatness doesn't necessarily mean big or bold. They encourage people to acknowledge their own call to do something great, which could be a small act of kindness towards another person. Mylett shares an example of a person who helped his father get sober, saying that one act was greatness in his life. They also discuss the importance of having faith, stepping into the next room, and swinging even when you're blind, as you never know when the candy will eventually come out of the pinata.

Darshan Mudbasal

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