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1) Naveen Jain explains the importance of asking unconventional questions and gives examples from his company, Moon Express, and his current company, Viome. He emphasizes the need to ask unique questions to identify unexplored solutions that experts may have ruled out. Jain observed that experts in the microbiome industry focused on identifying organisms that are in people's guts, rather than analyzing what these organisms are doing. He says that if we can find out what the organisms are doing and how they are changing human gene expression, we can focus on finding solutions to a wide range of chronic diseases.
2) Naveen explains how his startup company, Viome, helps people to understand their body better and live better lives. The company uses technology that was initially designed for biodefense project purposes at the Los Alamos National Lab. Viome analyzes body samples to determine biological age, immune health, heart health, cognitive health, oral health, and digestive health, among others. With the information, the company formulates a personalized supplement program by analyzing each customer's need for vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. With over 500,000 people analyzed and happy clients, Jain says it's a satisfying feeling to make people better.
3) Jain explains that people often blame their genes for diseases and other problems, but in reality, most diseases are not genetic. He emphasizes that nurturing and environment play a significant role in shaping who we become. Jain encourages people to seek out individuals who inspire and uplift them to be better, rather than simply telling them they are good as they are. Jain also reflects on his upbringing in India, where his family was poor but he was raised with a strong sense of imagination and inspirational figures in books. His mother had an especially strong faith in him, despite others limiting his beliefs.
4) Jain emphasizes the importance of knowing one's values and goals, which can help filter out the noise and distractions in life. He also encourages people to have an open mind and learn from every experience, even from those who are typically overlooked, such as a homeless person. Ultimately, Jain believes that life never stops teaching, but it is up to us to keep learning and growing.
5) Naveen highlights the importance of intellectual curiosity in life, especially when it comes to parenting. According to Jain, the role of a parent is not to make their children drink from the well, but to instill in them the desire to do so themselves. By teaching children to be intellectually curious about the world around them, they will continue to learn and grow throughout their lives. Jain shares the success story of his eldest son, who at the age of 17, founded a non-profit to help young entrepreneurs find mentors. His curiosity led him to create new innovative solutions to a range of problems, including a credit card that allows renters to earn points that can be used for a down payment on a home or travel expenses.
6) Naveen Jain talks about his children, both of whom are making big changes in the world through their respective companies, avvy and a home mortgage start-up. Jain believes that his children's success comes from recognizing the biggest problems in society and actively working to solve them. He credits this mindset to his approach to parenting, where he instilled in his children the idea that their self-worth does not come from what they own, but rather from what they create to make other people's lives better.
7) Naveen speaks about his passion for companies that have a purpose and solve important problems, such as women's health issues. He encourages individuals to pursue things that they are willing to die for, something they are obsessed with because passion is for hobbies, while the truly driven develop obsession. Jain criticizes the concept of a smooth life, saying if this is what one wants, they are like a dead person and emphasizes the importance of ups and downs, since going through them means one is alive. He discourages the notion that people need to work jobs that they do not enjoy to make money and encourages individuals to find their true purpose.
8) Naveen and Jay discuss how constant stress and the fight or flight response negatively impact our bodies. Jain explains that when our bodies are in fight or flight response, we cannot digest food or activate our immune system, which leads to sickness and blaming everything on society. To counter this, we need to find jobs we love, come home and be grateful for our families, and give them love in return to receive love. Shetty adds that even if we don't initially love what we're doing, we can learn something useful from it that will help us when we find our purpose in life.
9) Naveen discusses his philosophy of teaching his children skills that they will have for the rest of their lives rather than just earning money and doing menial tasks. He believes in giving his children a chance to learn new skills and taking up internships to gain knowledge that will help them in the future, rather than doing tasks that will help them earn in the present but not in the long run. Naveen Jain also shares an example of how his daughter wanted to pursue something outside of science and technology, and he encouraged her to attend Singularity University to learn about new skills, follow her passions, and then make a decision about what to pursue.
10) Naveen shares a story about his daughter and how he encouraged her to follow her passion for science and technology. He explains that it is crucial to expose children to many different ideas, thoughts, and learning opportunities rather than just fixating on a particular subject. Jain believes that nurturing is what matters, and encouraging one's children to try different things can lead to the discovery of a true passion. Jay Shetty agrees with Jain and shares personal stories about how his parents encouraged him to try uncomfortable things, which ultimately led him to become a successful public speaker and communicator. The key lesson is to learn to love discomfort, and the comfort will eventually come to us easily.
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