Raj Shamani - Rajiv Makhni

Darshan Mudbasal
June 25, 2023

1) Rajiv Makhni discusses how India has become a hub for tech innovation, with many companies now originating from India and making a global impact. He explains that there are now wearable and audio companies, among others, that are in the top three globally. He notes that Indian brands are growing very fast and are coming in at the speed of light, with at least 10 big brands set to make a global play in the next five years. Despite India being known for its hardware and software, Makhni says that India has not been very good at making brands. However, he predicts that Indian brands will soon be on the shelves of countries around the world.

2) Rajiv talks about the state of Indian brands and their weaknesses in customer service, even though they have the potential to create great products at great prices. The discussion then briefly touches on the history of technology shows and the rise of Gadget Guru, a television show created by Rajiv Makhni, before moving on to the importance of maintaining company culture through changes and discovery.

3) Rajiv challenges the value of traditional technology reviews, saying that those who review technology are ten years behind and that the reviews should be knowledge, entertainment, and offer a wow factor that will change people's lives. He says he will be announcing a new move to reinvent the entire technology space with the right people and that it will be revolutionary and touch more people worldwide. He emphasizes that technology is changing rapidly and that in the next five to ten years, people's lives and devices will have changed so much that their job and equipment from five years prior will be unrecognizable.

Rajiv Makhni in podcast with Raj Shamani

4) Rajiv emphasizes the importance of knowing what device suits an individual's need rather than what they want to show off. He points out that the advertising of tech companies can lead people astray, making them fall prey to the latest device trend instead of looking for a device that suits their specific needs. He recommends that people review their wants and lifestyles to find a device that will serve them best, rather than opting for the latest, flashy device. Additionally, he advises people to take advantage of the current state of technology, noting that the dramatic jump that once existed has leveled off and recommending that people aim to have laptops that can last them up to three years.

5) Rajiv discusses the importance of laptops in the pandemic and for productivity in general. He emphasizes that laptops are by far the most critical and productive device, as they are used for important tasks such as scheduling and to-do lists. Makhni warns against settling for a mediocre laptop and suggests investing in a high-quality one, as it will be much more valuable than a mediocre phone. He also explains that the smarts of a laptop come from its processor, which has the ability to make decisions and optimize performance in milliseconds.

6) Rajiv talks about the importance of recognizing the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in our lives. He explains that AI is no longer a fuzzy logic of the past, it has advanced and will continue to reshape our lives. AMD, the technology company, is realizing the potential of AI and is building it from the ground up. According to Makhni, this is critical, as AI cannot function as just a part of everything else, it needs to be a separate engine that can process and function in parallel. Therefore, companies must recognize the importance of having a separate AI engine, like AMD, in order to stay relevant and productive in today's technologically advanced world.

Rajiv Makhni

7) Rajiv explains how AI is at the center of productivity for the future of computing. AI can take internal and external decisions for how to work on a device to deliver the best productivity output. One factor that could aid productivity is battery life as multi-day laptop battery life is going to be the future of computing. However, battery technology is lagging compared to other technological advancements, so AI can aid to optimize battery life. Battery charging is a chemical process that most people don't understand, but AI can make laptops last longer by making decisions about how to use a laptop to be more productive.

8) Raj and Rajiv discuss the fear and potential for AI to replace human jobs and creativity. They compare it to the fear of the printing press destroying handwriting and books being considered the devil's device. They argue that AI will replace certain jobs but it will also create new ones that don't exist right now. Creativity will not be lost with the integration of AI, but rather it will augment and enhance creative output. Overall, those who are born now will evolve into a world with AI, and the speakers believe that we should not be scared of AI, but instead adapt to it.

Rajiv Makhni

9) Rajiv discusses the role of AI in education and how it could impact creativity. He emphasizes the importance of teaching students how to extract the best information available and how to ask better questions. He argues that the tools to recognize information generated by AI will be as good as AI, and schools that ban AI will not do well. Makhni suggests that companies like AMD should recognize that the boundary of AI should not be internet connection and cloud computing but it should be anytime and anywhere access to all the knowledge and information available. He believes that the laptop is the most productive device, with the next big thing being the power of the laptop.

Darshan Mudbasal

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