Ranveer Allahbadia - Jijith Nadumuri

Darshan Mudbasal
April 1, 2023

1)      ISRO scientist Jijith Nadumuri discusses some interesting facts about different planets in our solar system, such as Uranus having a 90-degree tilt and Venus having an opposite rotation. He also mentions the possibility of transmitting information to the future, stating that time travel to the future is not theoretically impossible, but it's currently a technological problem. He explains that ISRO's primary focus is on launching vehicles and exploring planets and sensing parameters of Earth's surface, which are then applied in specific areas like remote sensing.

2)      Jijith Nadumuri discusses the primary functions of ISRO, including Launch Vehicles, Satellites, and Applications. Jijith explains that Applications are a payload placed on top of the satellite, such as a camera, laser camera sensors, or scientific instruments. He also addresses the prospects of alien life and believes that it is a natural occurrence in the universe due to Earth being one planet amongst billions in the galaxy.

3)      Nadumuri categorizes aliens based on their technological capabilities, with some being capable of exploring and inhabiting their Stellar neighborhood. He also discusses the possibilities of colonizing Moon, Mars, and Europa in the future.

4)      Jijith discusses the potential for human habitation in our solar system, including Mars, the moons of Jupiter and Saturn, and the asteroidal belt region. He states that many dwarf planets and asteroids in the asteroidal belt can sustain human life and are mineral-rich, making colonizing this area a possibility. He also explains that as civilizations advance, they will explore their galactic neighborhood, which statistically contains at least a dozen intelligent systems that could produce a civilization capable of Galactic exploration. Nadumuri suggests that extraterrestrial civilizations with advanced technology could detect Earth's electromagnetic signals and could eventually visit our planet.

Jijith Nadumuri in podcast with Ranveer Allahbadia

5)      Jijith, discusses his passion for space research and the connection between Vedic thought and space. He also shares his theories regarding the Mahabharata and how it may contain descriptions of Vimanas and ancient technologies. He suggests that there is a possibility of technological intervention from the future and handles all these theories as separate possibilities, stating that exact reality can only be understood by going back in time.

6)     Jijith discusses the possibility of time travel and other anomalous events. Jijith explains that time travel is scientifically possible according to the general theory of relativity, which considers time as another dimension equal to length, breadth, and height. Additionally, Nadumuri theorizes that anomalous events recorded in ancient texts like the Mahabharata could be due to either a leak of future information into the past or the presence of extraterrestrial intelligence in the galaxy or universe.

7)     Nadumuri explains the concept of the fourth dimension and how time travel could potentially work. He describes the fourth dimension as a "big snake" where your lifetime is represented as the body of the snake between your birth and death, with past and future sections.While difficult to comprehend, the general theory of relativity suggests that time travel is possible. However, certain factors such as entropy (which prohibits activity from moving backward in time) and cause-and-effect relationships can limit the freedom to travel backward in time.

8)      Jijith explains the concept of Multiverse, a theory introduced by Stephen Hawkings in the last two decades that allows for time travel, thus eliminating the grandfather paradox. Although time travel to the future is not theoretically problematic, it has some technological issues for which present technology is not exploited. Moreover, scientists haved eveloped a new approach to time travel, where they transmit information into the future rather than sending people in reality.

9)      Jijith discusses the technological capabilities that could enable sending information through time. He explains how brain waves can already be mapped and transferred to a device to control it, and how the possibility of creating robotic brains that download a human brain's memory and thoughts may exist in the future. Nadumuri also suggests that a local wormhole could be created through quantum tunneling to transmit information to a particular point in the future.

10)   Jijith discusses the concept of transmitting data through wormholes and how consciousness can be transmitted through a receiver. He also touches on crop circles and the possibility that they are related to traditional patterns and cymatic patterns created by sound vibrations, which are believed to have the power to create an auspicious aura. He also acknowledges the ancient belief that symbols have the ability to capture power, but it does not offer a scientific explanation for this phenomenon.

Jijith Nadumuri

11)   Jijith discusses the connection between consciousness and the forces of the universe. He explains that while consciousness cannot be considered a force, it is similar to forces such as electromagnetic or gravitational forces, as it is an operating attribute of the universe. The scientist also explains the concept of consciousness as an emergent property and how it has received criticism from the scientific community.

12)  Jijith discusses the relationship between quantum theory, subatomic particles, and Vedantic insights. He explains that the subatomic level is where quantum theory is most productive, and that subatomic particles, such as electrons and quarks, are defined by probability waves. The act of observation is necessary to realize something concretely, and this observation leads to the collapse of a Quantum probability cloud into reality.This principle of observation has important consequences, as it suggests that consciousness plays a role in creation. Nadumuri goes on to explain that thereis a lot of synergy between Vedantic insights and Quantum Consciousness studies, and that there has been a convergence between the two fields in recent years.

13)   Jijith discusses the connection between Vedantic philosophy and quantum physics, specifically regarding the collapse of the wave function and how it aligns with the idea that consciousness creates reality. He has written two books related to Vedanta, but focuses primarily on the geography of Ramayana and its continuity with Rigveda and Mahabharata. As an ISRO scientist, he mentions that the current active project is Gaganyaan, which aims to send a human into space. He explains the complex maneuvers involved in making a spacecraft orbit the moon and turns a satellite of Earth into a satellite of the moon.

14)   Jijith explains that the success of ISRO's economic launches is due to the passion of people like Abdul Kalama who worked with limited budgets and created a culture of success at ISRO. He also talks about ISRO's future plans including the Gaganyaan mission and the plan to explore neighboring planets like Mercury and Venus. He explains that the Chandrayaan-2 mission's only failure was a technical glitch in the navigation control system which will be resolved in future attempts.

Jijith Nadumuri

15)  Jijith talks about funding sources for ISRO and the geopolitical importance of a country's space agency. While private industry tie-ups already exist, the scientist points out the significant role of the space agency in developing military technologies and creating advanced weaponry. He refers to Abdul Kalam as an example of the commonalities and connections between ISRO and DRDO, and the fact that both organizations use similar propulsion technology.

16)  Jijith talks about the strangest and craziest things about our solar system. Uranus has a pole tilt that is almost perpendicular to the direction of the sun, while Venus rotates in the opposite direction. Titan has a liquid nitrogen ocean and Europa may have more water than Earth, suggesting the possibility of microbial and other aquatic lifeforms. The scientist also discusses the theory of extraterrestrial origin of hydrocarbons, which suggests that comets from other solar systems may have brought the seeds of life to Earth.

17)  Jijith emphasizes the importance of incorporating science and Dharma in Indian civilization. He stresses that science is not a hostile or threatening concept and that Dharma and science have always been intertwined in Indian culture since their shared origin in the Rigveda. Nadumuri urges individuals to utilize the unique upbringing and thought process established by the rishis and to appreciate the compatibility of science and Dharma.

Darshan Mudbasal

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