Ranveer Allahbadia - Keertihistory

Darshan Mudbasal
May 25, 2023

1) Keerthi is discussing how they feel about the way history is taught in schools. They mention that they refuse to study history because it is not covered in school. They also mention how they have a career in this and choose to study history instead.

2) Keerthi is discussing the history of Tamil Nadu and how it has been influenced by the Dravidian Movement. They also argue that the movement is not alive and that the political parties are named after the region's dominant political dynasty.

3) Keerthi discusses the importance of separatism and how it has been used to create a hate against North Indians. He also asserts that the North Indian people in particular have a "bad experience" with people outside the five southern states.

4) Keerthi discusses the issue of Hindi being imposed on Tamil Nadu, and how this will lead to the death of the language.

Keerthi in podcast with Ranveer Allahbadia

5) Keerthi discusses how education in the villages in Tamil Nadu is very low, and how this is a contributing factor to the political unrest in the state.

6) Keerthi discusses how the education system in Tamil Nadu is restrictive and how it has stopped students from keeping in their heads things like flowers.

7) Keerthi describes how they feel about satguru and the opinion of the average Tamil person. They say that the narrative from the negative side is this whole elephant Corridor thing that he took up.

8) Keerthi discusses the situation in which the Isha Foundation is in, their unethical policies, and how people are using this situation to spread hate.


9) Keerthi discusses how people in Tamil Nadu are conditioned to view Hinduism as a bad thing and how it is not good for the country. He also notes that it is not the only thing that is creating tension between different religions in the state.

10) Keerthi talks about how the Tamil Nadu mindset is very different from the Indian mindset. They mention that teenagers today in Mumbai and Delhi are more informed and emotionally aware than their parents were when they were young. They also say that there is a lot of comparison mentality among the teenage generation in India and Tamil Nadu.

11) Keerthi discusses how South Indian girls are popular in Tamil Nadu due to their "intellectual conversation" and "similar culture." Keerthi also speaks about how parents are looking for arranged marriages which are often with South Indian girls.

12) Keerthi interviews a boy who has gone through a lot of changes since he was a child. He describes how things have changed since the Chola Empire ended and the dating situation in Tamil Nadu today. The boy says that people don't accept him if he dates multiple people at the same time and he prefers to have one relationship at a time.


13 Keerthi describes how love is very central to the Punjabi culture, and how it can be expressed from aflexing perspective. They also describe the differences between Tamil and Punjabi love.

14) Keerthi interviews a family about their lives in Tamil Nadu. They describe how the women are the decisionmakers in the household and how the men listen to the women. Keerthi is curious about the difference in mentality between South Indians and North Indians and asks the family what the difference is. The family tells Keerthi that the difference is that South Indians are more relaxed about things and that North Indians are more focused on their culture.

15) Keerthi discusses the difference between the mentality of Tamil Nadu versus Kerala and Karnataka. Keerthi also speaks to a Telugu man who says that the addressing of women is the same in both states, but that it is more difficult for women in South India. Finally, Keerthi speaks to a woman in South India who is in trouble and suggests that she go with someone.

16) Keerthi tells a story about how Restriction nighttime restrictions have been a problem in Tamil Nadu for a long time. He also shares some cultural differences between boys and girls in this region.


17) Keerthihistory discusses the different types of tables in a nightclub, how being in an illegal dance bar at 18 years old can lead to addiction, and how the government should be looking into the issue of alcohol in Tamil Nadu.

18) Keerthihistory discusses the rise in alcoholism in Tamil Nadu, the government's efforts to combat the problem, and the reactions of the locals. In particular, Keerthihistory discusses the protests against the government's opening of an automated mission to buy alcohol, and how these protests have led to a decrease in the number of prostitutes working in the area.

Darshan Mudbasal

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