Steven Bartlett - Dr. Will Cole

Darshan Mudbasal
March 21, 2023

1)      Dr. Will Cole, a best-selling author and functional medicine practitioner, explains the differences between conventional medicine and functional medicine. He says that functional medicine focuses on optimal health rather than average health, meaning the labs of the patients are compared to the ideal values instead of the average values. A customized, evidence-based approach is used to identify the root cause of the issues such as gut problems, chronic infections, nutrient deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, trauma, and shame. He points out that unlike conventional doctors, functional doctors need to go through post-doctorate training to learn about nutrition which is essential for curing lifestyle-driven health problems such as stress levels, poor sleep quality, and exposure to toxins. Dr. Cole also emphasizes that while pharmaceuticals are necessary, they are not the only option and are not a long-term solution.

2)      Dr. Will discusses how functional medicine tries to bring together the most effective tools within a person's toolbox to achieve effective and low side-effect treatment. He shares how having family members with autoimmune inflammatory conditions has impacted him, reminding him of how fragile health can be. He connects this to his latest book, Gut Feelings, which explores the link between mental health, autoimmunity, and diet culture.The book talks about the importance of dealing with the physical and mental-emotional-spiritual aspects of one's well-being to achieve sustainable healing. He explains how inflammation triggers both mental health and autoimmune problems, which is the focus of the book.

3)      Cole talks about the gut-brain axis and the impact that gut problems can have on a person's health. He explains that the gut and brain are formed from the same fetal tissue and are linked through the gut-brain access. Inflammation is a product of the immune system, and chronic inflammation is associated with many health problems, including autoimmune issues, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and mental health issues. Dr. Cole emphasizes the importance of modulating and supporting healthy inflammatory pathways to optimize one's health. He also discusses the three main stages of chronic inflammation and the symptoms that one may experience.

4)      Will talks about the different stages of health problems people face and how it all boils down to an evolutionary mismatch of the world we live in and our genetics, which have not changed for about 10,000years. The causes of health problems include the food we eat, stress levels, personal and collective traumas, environmental toxins, and disruptions in soil and gut microbiomes. He also explains the idea of "shameinflammation" and how shame impacts our physical health. He introduces self-compassion practices as a way to attenuate the inflammatory response and improve our overall health.

5)      Will explains how a person's adverse childhood experiences and stressors can increase their risk for developing health problems later on in life. However, he highlights that some stressors can be beneficial for humans and that resilience and grit are essential in handling stress. Chronic stress, on the other hand, can cause the body to be in a prolonged fight-or-flight state, leading to health problems such as autoimmune disorders and type 2 diabetes. Dr. Cole emphasizes the importance of individualizing stress management strategies to help prevent and manage these health issues.

Dr. Will Cole in podcast with Steven Bartlett

6)      Will Cole discusses the relationship between our genetic tolerance for stressors and what we put in our bodies. He emphasizes the message of agency and how we all have different abilities or thresholds to handle things in our life, but we all have the ability to clear these things out and to heal. The conversation then shifts to how our way of life seems unhuman and the direction of our travel due to technology, cities, work, and social media. However, Dr. Cole is optimistic that there are things we can do to change it, and he mentions how researchers are studying ancient arts like Shinran Yoku, the Japanese art of using nature as meditation and medicine. Additionally, Dr. Cole mentions how he lives in a modern world but maintains healthy boundaries with technology and advises everyone to make these decisions for themselves out of self-respect.

7)      Will discusses the trade-offs people make between their health and success or status. Our culture prioritizes materialistic pursuits, including being busy and having a lot of social media followers, while healthy habits such as getting enough sleep, eating well, and having strong social connections are not as glamorous. However, the consequences of not prioritizing our health can be detrimental in the long run, leading to burnout and stress-related health issues. Additionally, research shows that trauma can be intergenerational, meaning our ancestors' trauma can impact our wellbeing today. It is essential to optimize our lives for health and happiness to be our best selves in all aspects of our lives.

8)      Will Cole discusses how trauma can be passed down from generation to generation through epigenetics, citing studies done on the intergenerational effects of the Ukrainian Genocide and the Holocaust. He explains that this trauma can impact mental health, autoimmune issues, and various diseases. However, he also notes that healing can also be inherited and encourages individuals to shift their perspective to be more forgiving and compassionate towards themselves and their ancestors. Dr. Cole then explains the polyvagal theory, which connects the vagus nerve to the autonomic nervous system's fight or flight and rest and digest response. He states that trauma can cause an imbalance in the nervous system's responses, leading to the disregulation of one's nervous system.

9)      Dr. Will discusses the four foods people should avoid to stay healthy, which includes industrial seed oils, conventional dairy,sugar, and alcohol. He explains that people need healthy ratios of omegas three, six, and nine, but overconsumption of seed oils in packaged foods and not enough intake of healthy Omega-3 fish oils can lead to health issues. Conventional dairy can cause inflammation because of the subtype of casein, so better versions like grass-fed organic dairy can be consumed.

10)   Dr. Will explains the connection between gut health and overall health, including mental health, inflammation, weight, and energy levels. He shares a food tool called the GAPS Protocol, which involves consuming soups and stews made with fiber-rich vegetables, protein, and broth,and is helpful for calming gut-centric inflammation. In addition to food, Dr. Cole suggests implementing breathing exercises, meditation, and acts of stillness to support vagal tone and the gut-brain connection. For those looking to improve gut health, Dr. Cole recommends starting with fiber-rich vegetables and fermented foods like sauerkraut, kimchi, and kefir, which can be good for many people.

Dr. Will Cole

11)   Dr. Will Cole explains that while he was vegan for 10 years, his body didn't respond well to some of the plant-based proteins and resulted in fatigue, brain fog, and digestive problems. Some nutrient deficiencies, such as bio available iron, B vitamins, and true vitamin Aretinol, were also present in his diet, which he could have supplemented with synthetic supplements but decided against them, preferring a whole food-based diet. He used his bio-individual data from genetic tests to as certain hisbody's optimal diet, which included more soups and stews with animal proteins, bones, and collagen, along with a predominantly plant-based diet. Additionally, he's pragmatic about his patients' food preferences, and for vegans and vegetarians, he focuses on being their best possible option.

12)   Dr. Will discusses his non-negotiable practices of grounding practices such as meditation, breathwork, and spending time in nature to combat the heaviness that comes from his line of work. He speaks about his future being a TBD situation but is excited to spend time with his teenage children and also be a newly wed with his wife. Cole admits he struggles with managing increasing success and boundaries but is trying to get better at saying no to things that do not serve him. Lastly, he leaves a question for the next guest to answer, which is: what is the most controversial idea you believe within your industry that most people disagree with?

13)   Cole talks about the controversy around functional medicine, which is still being criticized in some pockets of the conventional medical world. He points out that despite this pushback, they are getting people healthy and reducing the need for medications. Dr. Cole argues that it's the system that is calling functional medicine controversial that is on the wrong side of history, especially when the United States spends more on healthcare than any other nation, yet has the most diseases and the shortest lifespan. Thus, functional medicine is essential as it offers an alternative approach to conventional medicine that promotes wellness and reduces medication dependence.

14)   Dr. Will Cole discusses the four foods people should avoid if they want to live a healthy life. The first food is refined sugar which is found in most packaged foods, including ketchup and salad dressings. The second food is gluten which is a protein found in wheat, barley,and rye. Thirdly, pasteurized dairy products can cause inflammation and allergies in some individuals. Finally, soy should be avoided because it contains phytoestrogens that can disrupt hormones. Instead, Dr. Cole suggests eating whole foods and plant-based diets to ensure optimal health.



Darshan Mudbasal

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