Steven Bartlett - Josh Peck

Darshan Mudbasal
April 14, 2023

1) Josh Peck talks about his childhood and growing up in a single-parent household with his mother. He describes his childhood as being filled with moments of laughter and love, even with the challenges that come with growing up without a father figure. Peck also talks about feeling a level of pain that is common for many children and adolescents, struggling to find their identity and wrestling with the feeling that the world is unfair.

2) Josh discusses his childhood and how he found comfort in comedy and television shows to escape the discomfort he felt due to being overweight and having a challenging life. He describes how sitcoms projected a healthy family and how he absorbed the rhythms and qualities of these shows through osmosis, which eventually led him to become an actor. Josh also talks about his love for food and how it served as a medication to cope with his discomfort, which led to his weight gain.

3) Josh talks about being obsessed with food and how it led to him becoming very overweight. He reveals that he gained about 100 pounds from the age of 13 to 18, reaching a weight of 290 pounds. Peck also discusses the relationship between our emotions and eating habits, pointing out that actors tend to smoke during periods of insecurity, and how we often use food as a way to medicate our emotions. He reflects on the paradox of using food to ease pain, only for it to cause more pain in the long term.

4) Josh talks about his struggles with addiction and how it numbs but never resolves the underlying issues. He mentions how addiction can be a paradox of short-term gain but long-term pain, as the coping mechanisms don't deal with the underlying problem. He goes on to talk about his childhood and how he started comedy at the age of eight. He also discusses how feelings of inadequacy often fuel great achievements and how, as adults, people tend to chase perfection, which is unattainable.

Josh Peck in podcast with Steven Bartlett

5) Josh discusses his journey to show business, starting with how he got into a performing arts high school when he was 12 years old. He talks about how difficult it was financially for him and his mother, and how show business seemed like a way out. He eventually got a chance meeting with Albie Hecht, the President of Nickelodeon, which led to his role on "The Amanda Show" and his move to California. Peck admits that he missed out on a lot of traditional adolescent experiences, but is grateful for the opportunities he's had in the industry.

6) Josh discusses his upbringing and how his circumstance was so specific that his path towards performing was inevitable. He explains how his experience was different from his kids, who have a very rooted household, a huge family, and a mom and dad. They have a very different experience, and if his son wants to go to Juilliard or pursue performing professionally, that's great, but maybe his circumstance won't lend itself to start that early. He also talks about his book, where he wrote about how he wasn't set for life financially after Drake and Josh due to the lack of residuals at that time, and how it was important for him to give an exact picture of what it was to make people understand.

7) Josh discusses the misconception that he made millions from starring in Drake and Josh and clarifies that the show's success was a result of its timeless appeal, leading to new generations discovering and enjoying it. He also credits the show's writing for having a classic sitcom through line, making it relatable to a wider audience. Peck later talks about his decision to lose 127 pounds, citing his readiness and determination to do so, which was further reinforced by his writing his book.

8) Josh discusses the process of his weight loss journey and the underlying psychological issues that he faced. He talks about his insecurities during his teenage years and how he felt like he missed out on a lot because of his weight. He realized he needed to let go of his anger towards his dad and his circumstances to start moving forward. Peck credits the small changes he made every day, like walking the city and eating healthier, for his 127-pound weight loss. However, he admits that dealing with the psychological causes of his weight issues was a separate issue that required a different approach. While losing weight helped him physically, he was still struggling with the same negative mindset he had before, which led to other forms of unhealthy coping mechanisms like drinking and drugs.

Josh Peck

9) Josh shares that his addiction with food, alcohol, and other substances started when he was around nine or ten years old. He revealed that he overdid things and nothing could fill up the "hole in the soul." Even success or popularity wasn't enough. Peck added that he had a moment of realization at 21 when he decided that he needed to do something, or he might never do it, which happened after the Sundance Film Festival. He explained that the feelings of not being enough or needing to make a change weren't specific thoughts, but emotional and ugly. Peck credits Alcoholics Anonymous as a way to help him turn his life around and get sober over the past 15 years.

10) Josh talks about how he was able to connect with his late father through Facebook and seeing pictures and tributes from his father's friends and family. He admits that he had only seen his father's negative side but realized that his father also had a good side, just not towards him. This realization gave him a bit of forgiveness towards his father and helped him be a better father to his own two boys. He also talks about his emotional journey from resentment towards his father to being sober and looking at his issues as a symptom of deeper emotional issues.

11) Josh talks about his journey to becoming a man and how having a son was a turning point that allowed him to practice the qualities he learned from the great men in his life. He also discusses his upbringing and how growing up without a father figure affected him in his personal relationships, causing him to have a Tony Montana approach to life, where any setbacks or adversity were seen as negative signs. He notes that regardless of someone's background, everyone has gaps in their upbringing, and it's up to them to fill those gaps and grow.

12) Josh discusses how his marriage has helped him overcome his attachment issues and become a better person. He credits his wife's support for teaching him the value of commitment and how to work through tough times. Peck emphasizes that self-improvement only goes so far and that it is important to apply one's personal growth in real-life situations, such as relationships and parenting, where deeper levels of understanding and selflessness can be achieved. Overall, Peck states that he is in a good place in his life due to the positive influence of the people he surrounds himself with and his commitment to personal development.

Josh Peck

13) Josh shares the motto of his friend, Wheels, which is "action is the magic word," emphasizing that one cannot think their way to the right action but must act their way to the right thinking. Peck reveals that he thought he could impress his will onto his problems, but he realizes that these negative thoughts and feelings need to be governed because they can ruin everything. He highlights that when he becomes in service to others and takes action, something changes, whereas wrestling with his thoughts doesn't work. Peck concludes with a thank you to his mother, who deserves the greatest thanks as so much of why he's here today is because ofher.

14) Josh discusses his incredible weight loss journey where he lost over 127 pounds through a combination of diet and exercise. He admits that his weight gain started at a young age due to poor eating habits and a sedentary lifestyle. However, he eventually committed to making a change and started by cutting out processed foods and eating more fruits and vegetables. He also incorporated strength training and cardio exercises into his routine, which helped him transform his body and achieve his weight loss goals. Josh emphasizes the importance of making sustainable lifestyle changes for long-term success and encourages others to prioritize their health and wellness as well.

Darshan Mudbasal

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